PMG Presents 'This Is Shop'

Courageous Creativity Sessions.

PMG Presents 'This Is Shop', a provocative series of deep dives into the world of courageous creativity - it's about stuff - by brands for people, from all over the world, in retail/shopper/brand experience/customer experience.

Expect enthusiasm and a good deal of deliberately looking past any kind of categorising (consumers don't care so why should we?). Measures of brand traction, resonance and success are the point, for all marketers interested in getting their brands ahead of the blur. Can’t wait to get going and hear what people think.

Coming Soon.

PMG Presents 'This Is Shop'

Episode 1 - 'This Is Shop', looks at great brand experiences in retail from around the world. What can we learn from the international greats and icons of excellence.

PMG Presents 'This Is Shop'

Episode 2 - 'I Shop, Therefore I Am' takes a closer look at what we know, what we think we know and what we’d be surprised to know about real shoppers. More a cultural and creative landscape than pen portrait, the aim is to get 3D on what is often a very 2 or 1D view.

PMG Presents 'This Is Shop'

Episode 3 - 'Brands be beacons, Shops be treasure troves' is a close in look at five brands who are defining the then, now and future of shopping. How celebrity morphs into commerce, how myth is harnessed and turned into brand leadership, how comedy and design really do go together to leave the competition standing.

PMG Presents 'This Is Shop'

Episode 4 - 'Shopping Is Over (if you want it)' takes a future view. What is Craft 2.0 in beer? How do avatars take over the job of influencers (Little Shop 3 perhaps?)? And are we really heading for a Minority Report future - also includes an intro to the Minority Report for our ‘too young to know about that stuff’ audience.

PMG Presents 'This Is Shop'

Episode 5 - 'Luke, I Am Your Shopper.' Looks back at the hits and highlights of the four previous episodes. The people's choice, the biggest 'holy **** we better do something about that' moment. And a bit of future wish-listing under the working title of what's currently being called the Luther Award, i.e. 'Now what?'

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