James Squire Journey Full of Character
Cheers to Australia's first brewer.
James Squire led a life that took many different directions. James' journey through life was a journey full of thievery, dishonesty and above all flavour.
He had 7 careers. 4 wives. 11 children. Received 150 lashes. And travelled to 5 countries - from Portsmouth in the UK, to Port Botany in Australia as the result of a few stolen chickens landing him a berth onboard a convict ship with the First Fleet to Australia.
Just a year after his arrival he was hauled in front of the magistrate for theft. This time it was a crime for 'the greater good': James had been stealing hops to brew Australia’s first beer.
To celebrate James Squire - convict turned Australia's first brewer, we took a few lucky winners on James' First Fleet journey across the world, with the option to visit London, Tenerife, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town or Sydney.